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Green Campus


          Subbaiah Institue Of Dental Sciences is committed to excellence in academics. At the same time, we ensure that our students move beyond their classrooms for an all-round personal development, our aim is to provide them with a stimulating and fulfilling experience to help enhance the knowledge base and develop their talent and skills.

Good education demands not only great effort, but also requires appropriate tools. Subbaiah Institue Of Dental Sciences supports students with some of the finest resources, right from sophisticated inputs job day – to –day requirements and facilities comparable to the best in the state. Subbaiah Institue Of Dental Sciences fully gears up the students for their careers in a technologically challenging world.

“QUALITY IN EDUCATION” is our governing motto and no effort is spared to achieve this goal at our institution. We encourage our students to have a vision beyond their classrooms to achieve an all round personal development. We also provide our students with a stimulating and a fulfilling experience, which would help them to enhance their knowledge base and develop their talents and skills in their field of study.

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